Representative Murray
I am writing to you today due to the concerns myself and many other residents residing on Middle Bass Island have as a result of the publication of the newly renovated State Park Marina operating policies and procedures with regard to the allocation of seasonal dockage. Ever since the State of Ohio purchased the Lonz property, residents had voiced concerns in regard to making sure the island residents who for years had access to seasonal dockage would not be displaced. Fast forward several years, and what we had feared is about to come to fruition. The state recently posted rules for seasonal dock allocation and the concerns voiced by residents full and part time have gone unnoticed. While they have acknowledged year round residents and the few that require boat transportation on a daily basis, the remaining other 40 to 50 seasonal dock holders from Jim Roesch’s old marina (purchased by the state) have now been displaced. With the upcoming lottery system for dock allocation, the current taxpaying summer residents of Middle Bass Island will now be thrown into the pool of all other Ohio residents that apply for a seasonal dock. If the infrastructure existed on the island to absorb the 50 displaced, families, I do not think anyone would be concerned or have complaints. That is not the case however, there are only two other marina facilities on the island, both being full now for several years.
Following is the letter of concern I sent to Dan West and Tony Celebrezze of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. As you will see I not only voiced my concerns but provided what I and many think to be a very proactive, logical and amenable solution for all parties involved.
I am hopeful as the State Representative to the island area, you will also see and acknowledge the need for a modification of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources policies regarding the allocation of seasonal docks at the new State Park on Middle Bass Island. At this point they have failed to see the uniqueness of the Island area and the needs of the residents of Middle Bass Island in regard to maintaining access and providing infrastructure opportunities for the taxpaying residents of the island. If they are allowed to follow through as they have stated, the state of Ohio has come to Middle Bass and taken vital infrastructure away from the residents / families.
Date: 1/23/2009
TO: Dan West; Chief Parks and Recreation
Tony Celebreeze, III; Deputy Director Resource Management
Subject: Middle Bass Island State Park Dock Lottery
My family has owned property on Middle Bass Island for the past 89 years. Being the 4th generation of our family to have grown up enjoying everything Middle Bass and the surrounding islands have to offer, I read with great interest the latest update of the Middle Bass Island State Park Marina development project, provided by Scott Doty.
We are one of the families who have the potential to be negatively impacted by the upcoming lottery system used to allocate seasonal dockage in the renovated marina. I have maintained from the beginning the State of Ohio had the potential to be “good neighbors” and a true asset to Middle Bass Island, as the plans for the park have unfolded.
Our family was one of the 50 plus residents that were displaced from Roesch’s marina with the sale to the State of Ohio. My present concern is with the proposed lottery system that was rolled out and presented to the public within the last couple of weeks via Scott Doty. I appreciate the fact the State has recognized and acknowledges the genuine need for guaranteed seasonal dockage to the handful of residents who depend on their boats for daily transportation to and from work. It also hasn’t gone unnoticed that an additional 20 slips have been added for seasonal dockage within the renovated marina.
While there has been a 29% increase in seasonal dock slips provided in the marina renovations, those 20 along with 50 that were present in Roesch’s marina are now available by lottery to any resident in the state of Ohio. Without the addition of another tier for seasonal residents, those property owners paying taxes at Middle Bass but not residing on the island year-round, it would appear the State of Ohio has taken away vital infrastructure opportunities from the island’s residents, not added to their community. I am confident that this is not the intention of the State of Ohio and only an initial oversight in the current lottery structuring system.
I would like to propose a modification to your current dock lottery system for the Middle Bass Island State Park Marina. Instead of being a two tier system as is currently presented, increasing this to a three tier lottery system would better meet the needs of all parties involved and in doing so would acknowledge the unique circumstances of both The State of Ohio and Current Middle Bass Island Residents.
1. Tier one – Would continue to be for those “year round” residents who can prove / validate they require their boats for their primary mode of transportation to and from work. I.e. back and forth to the bay or mainland on a daily basis. (Pay stubs or copy of w-2)
2. Tier two – This tier would be for all Middle Bass Island property owners. Documentation by providing a notarized copy of current year tax bill to be included with application.
3. Tier three would be for all other interested parties. This number would vary based on Island resident participation in both tier one and tier two lotteries. It would however provide the opportunity for other interested state residents to participate in the lottery system if they wished.
I totally agree with the above letter. Would it be feasable to get a petition from islanders asking for the 3 tier lottery.
ReplyDeleteWell folks it looks as though they did pretty much what most thought they would in regard to meeting the needs of the residents they displaced as well as those who had planned purchases of boats on dock availability. So much for working with the islanders. It just goes to show you that the bogus committee and promises / statements heard over time was done to only appease the residents. As in updates and other correspondence from State Park Employees, why ask for feedback and ideas when in actuality, they don't want it. They have done nothing more than double talk and attempt to blow a bunch of sunshine you know where when discussing the issues with many of the residents.
ReplyDeleteI think they need to ask themselves what kind of tone this sets for future projects when they have to work with residents.
While we may not be able to change things for this season, I am in agreement with the post from Feb 1st as to developing a well defined petition and placing it on the island in several places this upcoming year. Perhaps if we work together as a collective group, we can facilitate positive change for the residents of Middle Bass.